Canola at Anderson’s

Canola at Anderson’s (2024-5), pencil, permanent marker, soil, brass eyelets and eco-dyed cotton canvas, 242 x 194 cm

Canola at Anderson’s maps the growth of a canola crop grown in 2024 on family land, running alongside South Coast Highway, adjacent to the Pallinup River. The newly acquired land had long been in pasture to graze sheep.

It was a tough year to switch to a cropping program. The rainfall was half the average, the stressed crop was attacked by Native Bud Worm, Red Legged Earth Mite and Diamond Back Moths, and eaten by native animals from the nearby native reserve.

During October 2024, the soil and crop growth in a small section of salt affected land, lying between a limestone knoll and a salty creek, was monitored. The number, height and circumference of canola plants were measured and graphed in eight locations, each measuring 2000 x 1500 mm. Soil samples and canola plants were collected and analysed.

Graphs, drawings and statistics are mapped onto a tarpaulin and presented as a quasi-science project.

Canola at Anderson’s is currently on show in Drylands at Holmes à Court Gallery @ no.10, as part of the Perth Festival 2025. The Drylands exhibition runs from 8 February to the 26 April 2025.